发布时间:2016-03-14 浏览次数:2704 文章来源:
彼富我仁,彼爵我义,君子固不为君相所牢笼;人定胜天,志一动气,君子亦不受造化之陶铸。Others have riches; I have a sprit of benevolence. Others have high rank; I have a sense of righteousness. A man of virtue should avoid the fetters of high rank and substantial emolument. Since man can prevail over Nature, with a firm will and devotion, a man of virtue can certainly build up his strength and refuse to be moulded by the forces that created the Universe.
(保罗·怀特 译)
Others have riches while I cherish benevolence. Others have official titles while I value righteousness. He that is called noble-minded will never be tied to the power and its advantages. Human beings can certainly conquer Nature. Concentrated mind gives rise to tremendous force. He that is called strong-willed will never be constrained by the Creator.
(周文标 译)